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Monday, 25 June 2012

Three weeks on the pH Miracle Cleanse- An Update

Today is day 22 on the cleanse and I’m giving myself a big pat on the back!
A month ago, the thought of doing it for one week seemed like a daunting and overwhelming mission.

Now it feels so much more natural and easy. Yes easy.
From the outside looking in, it might seem like hard work but living it, I can tell you, this cleanse is very manageable. Not only for someone like me who has a lot of time to invest in it, but also for people with children, working people etc.

I know, because I see people in our cleanse group making this protocol fit into their busy lives. And they are all reaping the benefits.
In fact, I am not the only one out of the group to continue it for longer.  When you feel so great, why wouldn’t you?!

It does take some juggling of priorities as it requires spending a lot of time shopping, juicing, preparing smoothies and getting organised so commitment is a must.

This is, by far, the most amazing thing I have ever done!

I wake up early in the morning (we’re talking before 5 am) buzzing with energy; my mood is much more stable; I feel more physically flexible and fit ; I deal with my pain much better and my mind is clear.
I feel content, in a way I haven’t experienced before.
I think a lot of it has to do with doing something that I believe in 100 %.

During the last 15 months, I’ve researched extensively and concluded that the pH Miracle approach makes absolute sense, which is why I (we) have transitioned into it.
Now I feel that I’ve crossed that fine delicate line from knowing that something is true to having a real conviction that it is.

I don’t want to paint a picture that is all rosy, though, lets be realistic here.
I do have my highs and lows, good days and not so good ones. Toxins are still coming out of my body and it’s not always pleasant.
It is sometimes a challenge to socialise when everyone else around are eating their meals whilst I am sipping on my green  juice or eating an avocado.

On day 18, for example, I had a hiccup. I was having a bad day and at the end of it, I resorted to an old pattern of emotional eating and I had some food which is not part of the cleanse.

When it happened, I was aware of old thinking and emotional patterns kicking in very quickly- guilt, beating myself up and feeling like I have disappointed myself.

When I found myself getting caught up in this emotional turmoil, I sat with it and observed it. I allowed myself to feel the intensity of these emotions, almost like inviting them and watching them with a magnifying glass.

There were tears and some self pity and once I got that out of the way, I was ready to move on. Move on, not only with the cleanse protocol (with more determination than ever) but also by consciously choosing to change my old automatic patterns, once I was aware of them and their destructive nature.

The next day was one of my best so far on the cleanse and I was quickly back on track, leaving this little incident behind me.

This cleanse, like everything else in life, is a journey and I will no doubt come across some bumpy patches on the road from time to time. I can only do my best to deal with them as they come.

A part of this group cleanse entail Tele-Conferences where we get to learn the theory and practice in more depth and ask questions. So far we’ve had four of these- one with Dr.Robert Young, one with Shelly, his wife, one with our coach Caroline and one with another coach  Dawn who had breast cancer and reversed it using this protocol.

I feel very privileged to tune into these calls and ask whatever questions are on my mind!

By the way, Robert Young’s book ‘The pH Miracle- Revised and Updated’ is going to be published in Hebrew next year, so stay tuned my Israeli family and friends!

And now for my most exciting news- I have registered to participate in the first training offered by the pH Miracle Centre to become a pH Miracle Coach!

This means that I will be able to teach and coach people 100% of Dr. Robert O. Young and Shelley Redford  Young’s teachings.

Whilst not working in the past 15 months, I’ve completed my counselling studies and I have a vision of combining my counselling skills and practice with a focus on the alkaline lifestyle and health.
This is my passion and my heart tells me to follow it!


  1. inspiring as always !! Laura xxx

  2. Hi Lee, just popping by to say hi via your comment on my website today. Your healing journey sounds amazing, and I love that you've embraced it with such passion. Go you! Lucie x
